Нобль (Noble)

Нобль (Noble)

There are three variants of the Noble M600. The M600 Coupe, the M600 CarbonSport and the M600 Speedster. The Coupe is the original car as launched, and although all three cars are carbon the Coupe has a painted body. Running gear and performance are shared by all three models. The M600 Coupe, although painted, allows areas of the body to have exposed carbon areas and can be fully personalised to the clients taste. As with all our models it is fully bespoke and is offered with an unlimited colour palette for both interior and exterior.

In many ways we were pioneers in the art of the fully exposed carbon body. After many exasperating experiments we finally perfected this finish. To make our lives a little harder we also offer a coloured carbon finish, this achieved by utilising specially formulated automotive ‘inks’ which are mixed with the finishing lacquer allowing the herringbone carbon weave to remain visible, giving a truly impressive and unique finish. As you can imagine perfecting a constant tint is a challenging and skilled feat. Carbon Fibre is in its natural state a fabric. It stretches, it moves and however carefully you, lay-up, you can never be sure that the weave will look perfect. Therefore, only the very best panels are utilised for the build of a CarbonSport. Although an incredibly time consuming task, the originality and rarity of this finish makes it almost unique in automotive finishing.

We are sure that many will question our decision to remove the top of our M600. We are known for our driver reward purist approach to automotive engineering, so how does a roadster, many of which sacrifice handling and performance, fit our ethos?

Due to our fixated approach to chassis design, taking the roof off has neither effected the handling nor indeed the weight of the M600. The carbon body on a M600 is not part of the integrity or the strength of the car, it is, rather like a Le Mans racing car, just clothing for the structure underneath. So the M600s incredible performance, apart from the aerodynamic effect when the roof is removed, is unaffected.

Another question which we feel needs to be answered is – Why when Noble espouses the analogue approach to driving, do we feel it necessary to introduce a paddle shift system?

Our personal preference is indeed a manual system, however we do understand that many supercar buyers prefer, for many reasons, a paddle shift system. However we did not think it apposite to totally abandon our driver reward visceral ethos. Therefore the paddle shift we employ is more similar in concept to a sequential system. An adaption of the Oerlikon Graziano gated manual six speed to an AMT clutch less hydraulically actuated gear change. Therefore it does not have the rather sedate automated twin clutch feel, but a more intense and dramatic sensation. One that we feel fits perfectly with our renowned driver focused ethos.

Статья по теме:   Способы и техника орошения виноградников - Орошение виноградников

This system will be available as an option on the M600 coupe as will the original manual on the M600 Speedster.

Noble – перевод, произношение, транскрипция

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Мои примеры


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We entered into a noble forest.

Мы вошли в величественный лес. ☰

He was a man of noble character.

Он был человеком благородным. ☰

He was trying to make out which was noble and which was valet.

Он пытался понять, кто из них был дворянин, а кто — слуга. ☰

A noble anger was gleaming over his wan face.

Его бледное лицо излучало благородный гнев. ☰

a brave knight and his noble steed

отважный рыцарь и его благородный скакун ☰

He was of noble birth, and even akin to the royal family.

У него было благородное происхождение, он даже состоял в родстве с королевской семьей. ☰

a noble gas such as helium or neon

инертный / благородный газ, например, гелий или неон ☰

They claim to be of noble ancestry.

Они заявляют о своём благородном происхождении. ☰

an elite school for children of nobles

элитная школа для детей знати ☰

Noble metals include gold and silver and platinum.

Среди благородных металлов — золото, серебро и платина. ☰

She was descended from an old Italian noble family.

Она происходила из старой итальянской дворянской семьи. ☰

It was noble of her to come forward with this information.

Она поступила очень благородно, выступив с этой информацией. ☰

The first thing that fixes our eye is the noble river covered with boats.

Первое, на чем задерживается взгляд — это величественная река, усеянная лодками. ☰

that raddled but still noble face

это усталое, но всё-таки благородное лицо ☰

His family, though not noble, seems to have been of some importance.

Хотя его семья и не знатного происхождения, но, похоже, обладает некоторым влиянием. ☰

It’s very noble of you to spend all your weekends helping the old folk.

Статья по теме:   Чауш мускатный - виноград

С вашей стороны очень благородно проводить все выходные, помогая старикам. ☰

The history of two most noble captains of the world, Hannibal and Scipio.

История жизни двух выдающихся полководцев мира, Ганнибала и Сципиона. ☰

The general ruck of our politicians have scarcely a vestige of noble principle.

Основная масса наших политиков едва ли имеет представление о высоких принципах. ☰

The Marquis would have to marry a woman of noble blood.

Маркизу придётся жениться на женщине благородных кровей. ☰

Shakespeare presents the hero as a noble man doomed to make mistakes.

Шекспир описывает героя благородным человеком, который обречён на ошибки. ☰

a noble tenderhearted creature who sympathizes with all the human race

благородное, отзывчивое существо, которое сочувствует всем людям на свете ☰

The history of two most noble captains of the world, Anniball and Scipio.

История жизни двух самых знаменитых полководцев мира, Ганнибала и Сципиона. ☰

Your sentiments and conduct are worthy of the noble house you descend from.

Ваши чувства и поведение достойны того знатного рода, из которого Вы происходите. ☰

. a Renaissance portrait of a noble woman of Florence wearing a bejeweled coronal.

. портрет знатной дамы с драгоценным венцом, Флоренция, эпоха Возрождения. ☰

In medieval legend Sir Galahad is the nonesuch of the noble knight with a pure and unselfish heart.

В средневековых легендах Сэр Галахад является образцом благородного рыцаря с чистой и бескорыстной душой. ☰

The noble savage was a stereotype that appealed to 18th-century intellectuals, who viewed European civilization as decadent and corrupt.

Благородный дикарь был стереотипом, который нравился интеллектуалам восемнадцатого века, считавшим европейскую цивилизацию упадочной и испорченной. ☰

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

severe-looking policemen sat astride noble horses

“Many good morrows to my noble lord!” Shakespeare, Richard III

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке ☰ , напротив примера.

Нобль (Noble)

There are three variants of the Noble M600. The M600 Coupe, the M600 CarbonSport and the M600 Speedster. The Coupe is the original car as launched, and although all three cars are carbon the Coupe has a painted body. Running gear and performance are shared by all three models. The M600 Coupe, although painted, allows areas of the body to have exposed carbon areas and can be fully personalised to the clients taste. As with all our models it is fully bespoke and is offered with an unlimited colour palette for both interior and exterior.

In many ways we were pioneers in the art of the fully exposed carbon body. After many exasperating experiments we finally perfected this finish. To make our lives a little harder we also offer a coloured carbon finish, this achieved by utilising specially formulated automotive ‘inks’ which are mixed with the finishing lacquer allowing the herringbone carbon weave to remain visible, giving a truly impressive and unique finish. As you can imagine perfecting a constant tint is a challenging and skilled feat. Carbon Fibre is in its natural state a fabric. It stretches, it moves and however carefully you, lay-up, you can never be sure that the weave will look perfect. Therefore, only the very best panels are utilised for the build of a CarbonSport. Although an incredibly time consuming task, the originality and rarity of this finish makes it almost unique in automotive finishing.

Статья по теме:   Фрунзенский ранний - сорт винограда

We are sure that many will question our decision to remove the top of our M600. We are known for our driver reward purist approach to automotive engineering, so how does a roadster, many of which sacrifice handling and performance, fit our ethos?

Due to our fixated approach to chassis design, taking the roof off has neither effected the handling nor indeed the weight of the M600. The carbon body on a M600 is not part of the integrity or the strength of the car, it is, rather like a Le Mans racing car, just clothing for the structure underneath. So the M600s incredible performance, apart from the aerodynamic effect when the roof is removed, is unaffected.

Another question which we feel needs to be answered is – Why when Noble espouses the analogue approach to driving, do we feel it necessary to introduce a paddle shift system?

Our personal preference is indeed a manual system, however we do understand that many supercar buyers prefer, for many reasons, a paddle shift system. However we did not think it apposite to totally abandon our driver reward visceral ethos. Therefore the paddle shift we employ is more similar in concept to a sequential system. An adaption of the Oerlikon Graziano gated manual six speed to an AMT clutch less hydraulically actuated gear change. Therefore it does not have the rather sedate automated twin clutch feel, but a more intense and dramatic sensation. One that we feel fits perfectly with our renowned driver focused ethos.

This system will be available as an option on the M600 coupe as will the original manual on the M600 Speedster.



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